The Meaning of Flowers

The Meaning of Flowers

For your wedding flowers, event experiences, party planning or centerpieces, these beautiful blooms have something to say

When nature dreamed up flowers, it could not have created prettier packaging. Then civilized cultures paired these petal-centric pieces with hidden and meaningful messages. (And we thought we could not love flowers more.) This perfect partnering is known as the language of flowers, with emblematic meaning rooted in history and lore.

Back When

The meaning/language of flowers has been around for hundreds, even thousands of years. The Greeks tied the meaning of flowers to mythology and Greek gods. The Japanese called the language of flowers Hanakotoba, which used secret codes and colors to convey messages. The Victorians termed it floriography, a popular way to send secret messages with a bouquet.

Beyond Beauty

Today, no matter the moniker or the evolution of original fodder, flowers remain dripping in symbolism, which makes them all the more perfect for event planning. Don’t get us wrong—we could stare at flowers all day long and appreciate their beauty in flower bouquets and at events like weddings, rehearsal dinners, corporate parties, fundraisers and more. But we also admire what makes them so much more than just the fruits of a professionally cultivated farm, a well-tended garden or a successful trip to the flower market.

Thoughtful Selections

The next time flowers are on the shopping agenda, consider how they pull double-duty. The plan may be to select flowers for an event — like a wedding bouquet, a bridal shower, a bachelorette party, a corporate event, or a backyard party. Or to give as a gift. Even to plant in the garden. Either way, remember your picks are brimming with opportunities to make a true statement. So research before you go so that you know exactly what you’re talking about.

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